Reacting to the Future of Application Architecture

Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube


Devoxx Courses Sharding Courses Software Architecture Courses High Availability Courses Reactive Programming Courses Reactive Systems Courses Asynchronous Communication Courses Back-Pressure Courses Domain-driven Design Courses

Course Description


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Explore the future of application architecture in this closing keynote from Voxxed Days Microservices. Discover the fascinating parallels between bee colonies and software systems, delving into concepts like food foraging, queen bee dynamics, and bee warfare. Examine the Reactive Manifesto and distinguish between reactive programming and reactive systems. Learn about Domain Driven Design (DDD), asynchronous communication, and event-sourcing/CQRS. Understand high availability, eventual consistency, sharding, and back pressure. Investigate bulkheading and circuit breaking techniques. Gain insights from real-world examples, including Verizon's implementation. Evaluate the importance of these concepts and find resources to further your knowledge in reactive frameworks and modern application architecture.


Evolution of software
Bees and Software Link
Food Foraging
Long Live the Queen
Bees at War
Reactive Manifesto
Reactive programming vs Reactive systems
Domain Driven Design (DDD)
Asynchronous Communication
High Availability / Eventual Consistency
Back Pressure
Circuit Breaking
Reactive Frameworks
Real World Example -Verizon
Do you care about these?
What Can You Do?
Links to Learn More

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