5 Reasons to Use Reactive Programming if You Are Not eBay

Offered By: GOTO Conferences via YouTube


GOTO Conferences Courses Application Design Courses Software Architecture Courses Reactive Programming Courses Reactive Systems Courses Back-Pressure Courses

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Explore the benefits of reactive programming beyond high-throughput scenarios in this conference talk from GOTO Berlin 2018. Discover how reactive systems address modern application challenges, including high user numbers and throughput. Learn about Project Reactor, debugging techniques, and the costs associated with blocking operations. Examine real-world examples from eBay Classifieds Group brands, including stream processing, back-pressure implementation, and client-side reactivity. Gain insights into suitable use cases for reactive programming and scenarios where it might not be the best fit. Delve into topics such as thread overhead, Fork Join Executor performance, and the implementation of reactive principles in various services and platforms.


Reactive Systems
Project Reactor
How expensive is blocking
Threads Overhead
External call example
How fast is Fork Join Executor
Stream processing example from Gumtree UK, Motor Talk DE
Conversation Service Example from mobile de
Android BFF Example from Gumtree UK
Client-side reactivity
Use-cases for reactive programming
What might be a good candidate for reactivity
When I personally would NOT use Reactive Programming

Taught by

GOTO Conferences

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