Vibration And Structural Dynamics
Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur via Swayam
Course Description
The course aims at imparting fundamentals of vibration and structural dynamics to senior undergraduate and graduate students. The course primarily consists of four modules, namely, single degree of freedom, multi-degree of freedom, continuous system, and analytical methods. The objective of the course is deliver problem solving capabilities both for industrial problems and academic research. The course will start from basic of vibrations and gradually deal with more complex problems.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Aerospace Engineerings studentsPREREQUISITES: Engineering MechanicsINDUSTRY SUPPORT: Automobile, Aerospace, Infrastructure, Wind Turbine Industries
Week 1: Introduction, Equation of motion, Single-degree of freedom (SDOF), Undamped and damped, free vibration of SDOFWeek 2: Examples on free vibration, Forced vibration, Harmonic Loading, Examples on Harmonic Loading
Week 3: Response to arbitrary loading: Duhamel’s integral, Impulse loading
Week 4: Multi-degree of freedom (MDOF), Normal modes of vibration, natural frequencies and mode shapes
Week 5: Modal superposition theorem, Examples on MDOFWeek 6: Continuous system, Axial Vibration in Rod, Natural frequencies & mode shapes, Forced vibration of rods
Week 7: Flexural Vibration in beam, Natural frequencies and mode shapes, Forced vibration of beams
Week 8: Hamilton’s principle, Euler-Lagrange equation
Week 3: Response to arbitrary loading: Duhamel’s integral, Impulse loading
Week 4: Multi-degree of freedom (MDOF), Normal modes of vibration, natural frequencies and mode shapes
Week 5: Modal superposition theorem, Examples on MDOFWeek 6: Continuous system, Axial Vibration in Rod, Natural frequencies & mode shapes, Forced vibration of rods
Week 7: Flexural Vibration in beam, Natural frequencies and mode shapes, Forced vibration of beams
Week 8: Hamilton’s principle, Euler-Lagrange equation
Taught by
Prof. Mira Mitra
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