Dynamics of Structures

Offered By: NPTEL via Swayam


Civil Engineering Courses Numerical Methods Courses Vibration Analysis Courses Earthquake Engineering Courses Structural Dynamics Courses

Course Description


This course will focus on characterizing the behavior of structures subject to dynamic loads (e.g., earthquake, impact, blast). Structures would be idealized to simplified single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) and multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems. Equation of motion for SDOF systems would be developed for periodic, non-periodic and arbitrary excitations. The numerical methods to obtain the dynamic response and their limitations would be discussed. The concept of earthquake response spectrum and design spectrum will be explained and their utility in the seismic analysis and design of structures would be discussed.INTENDED AUDIENCE : B.Tech and M.Tech students .Industry professionals engaged with structural designPRE REQUISITE :Basic course in CalculusSUPPORTED INDUSTRIES : All Structural Engineering firms.Infrastructure and construction companies,CPWD,Railways,Defence sector


Week 1:Introduction to Dynamics of Structures Week 2:Free Vibration Week 3:Forced Harmonic Vibrations Week 4:Forced Harmonic Vibrations Week 5:Non-periodic Excitations Week 6:Numerical Response Evaluations & Earthquake Response Spectra Week 7:Generalized SDOF systems Week 8:Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Systems Week 9:Free Vibration of MDOF Systems Week 10:Forced Vibration of MDOF Systems Week 11:Seismic Analysis of MDOF Systems Week 12:Seismic isolation

Taught by

Prof. Manish Kumar

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