Structural Dynamics
Offered By: NPTEL via Swayam
Course Description
The objective of the course is to understand the behaviour of structure especially building to various dynamic loads: such as wind, earthquake, machine vibration and ambient vibration.INTENDED AUDIENCE :NILLPRE-REQUISITES :Basic understanding of structural analysis and knowledge of engineering mathematics.INDUSTRY SUPPORT : NILL
Week 1: Basics of Structural Dynamics Module 1: Introduction of Structural Dynamics Module 2: Differential Equations in Civil Engineering Module 3: Types of Analysis/Static and Dynamic load Module 4: Degrees of Freedom (Ex: Generation of Stiffnessmatrix) Module 5: Dynamic Equilibrium Equation Module 6: Solution of Equilibrium EquationWeek 2: Free Vibration of SDOF Module 1: Undamped free Vibration Module 2: Solution, Natural Period/Frequency Module 3: Energy in Free Vibration Module 4: Damped Free Vibration Module 5: Types of damping Module 6: Logarithmic decrement equationWeek 3: Forced Vibration of SDOF Module 1: Undamped Forced vibration Module 2: Amplitude & Phase Angle Module 3: Dynamic amplification factor for deflection (Rd) Module 4: Damped Forced vibration Module 5: Relationship between Rd, Rv and RaWeek 4: Force Transmission, Vibration Measurement Module 1: Resonant frequency and Half power band width Module 2: Force Transmission and Isolation Module 3: Design of Vibration Measuring InstrumentsWeek 5: Response to Arbitrary Motions Module 1: Response to Unit Impulse Module 2: Response to Arbitrary Force (Duhamel's Integral) Module 3: Response to Step and Ramp Forces Module 4: Response to Rectangular Pulse, Half Sinusoidalwave
Week 6: Numerical Methods of Solution Module 1: Time Stepping Methods Module 2: Central Difference Method Module 3: Newmark's MethodWeek 7: Response Spectrum Module 1: Concept of Response Spectrum Module 2: Uses of Response Spectrum Module 3: Special Cases in Spectrum Module 4: Development of Tripartite Plot Module 5: Example: Base Shear and Base Moment Module 6: Response of Structure in Frequency Domain
Week 8: Multi-Degree of Freedom Systems Module 1: Equation of Motion for MDOF System Module 2: Solution of Equation, Natural Frequencies andmode Shapes (60) Module 3: Modal Orthogonality Module 4: Approximate Method for finding Natural frequencyWeek 9: Earthquake Response of MDOF Systems Module 1: Time History Analysis Module 2: Response Spectrum Analysis Module 3: 3D Dynamic AnalysisWeek 10: Dynamic Response of Continuous Systems
Module 1: Vibration of Continuous systems
Module 2: Shear behavior and bending behavior Module 3: Generalized SDOF
Week 11: Dynamics of Rigid Blocks Module 1: Dynamics of Rigid Blocks Module 2: Non Structural Elements Module 3: Floor Response SpectrumWeek 12: Vibration Control Module 1: Introduction to Vibration Control Module 2: Active Control Module 3: Passive Control Module 4: Design of Tuned Mass Damper
Week 6: Numerical Methods of Solution Module 1: Time Stepping Methods Module 2: Central Difference Method Module 3: Newmark's MethodWeek 7: Response Spectrum Module 1: Concept of Response Spectrum Module 2: Uses of Response Spectrum Module 3: Special Cases in Spectrum Module 4: Development of Tripartite Plot Module 5: Example: Base Shear and Base Moment Module 6: Response of Structure in Frequency Domain
Week 8: Multi-Degree of Freedom Systems Module 1: Equation of Motion for MDOF System Module 2: Solution of Equation, Natural Frequencies andmode Shapes (60) Module 3: Modal Orthogonality Module 4: Approximate Method for finding Natural frequencyWeek 9: Earthquake Response of MDOF Systems Module 1: Time History Analysis Module 2: Response Spectrum Analysis Module 3: 3D Dynamic AnalysisWeek 10: Dynamic Response of Continuous Systems
Module 1: Vibration of Continuous systems
Module 2: Shear behavior and bending behavior Module 3: Generalized SDOF
Week 11: Dynamics of Rigid Blocks Module 1: Dynamics of Rigid Blocks Module 2: Non Structural Elements Module 3: Floor Response SpectrumWeek 12: Vibration Control Module 1: Introduction to Vibration Control Module 2: Active Control Module 3: Passive Control Module 4: Design of Tuned Mass Damper
Taught by
Prof. Ramancharala Pradeep Kumar
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