Plant groups (Plant Diversity)

Offered By: St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Kolkata via Swayam


Botany Courses Viruses Courses Bacteria Courses Fungi Courses

Course Description


The CC- Botany 1 entitled Plant Groups is actually a course on basic plant diversity and comprises of 40 modules. It gives a detailed account of different plant groups like virus, bacteria, algae, fungi including and mycorrhizae, archegoniates including bryophytes, pteridophytes and also the spermatophyte in the form gymnosperms. Each group have detailed discussion of their classification, ecological importance, classification and phylogeny, certain important type genera and also their economic importance. Thus by studying these 40 modules, a student should be able to understand and appreciate the major plant groups from microbes to gymnosperms which form the basis of plant sciences. Students from any branch of biological sciences will find these modules relevant and useful for their higher studies.


Week -1 1. Viruses: Discovery, general structure 2. Virus Replication 3. Economic Importance of Virus

Week -2
4. Bacteria – Discovery, General characteristics and cell structure 5. Vegetative, asexual reproduction of bacteria 6. Conjugation, Transformation and Transduction of Bacteria

7. Economic importance of bacteria 8. General characteristics, Ecology and distribution 9.Range of thallus organization, Reproduction in algae Week-4
10. Classification of algae; 11. Morphology and life-cycles: Nostoc and Chlamydomonas 12. Morphology and life-cycles: Oedogonium and Vaucheria

13. Morphology and life-cycles: Fucus, Polysiphonia. 14. Economic Importance: Blue green algae and higher algae 15. General characteristics, ecology and significance of Fungi

16. Range of thallus organization in fungi, cell structure and nutrition. 17. Classification and Reproduction in fungi 18. General characteristics, ecology and significance, life cycle: Rhizopus (Zygomycota)

19. General characteristics, ecology and significance, life cycle: Penicillium and Alternaria 20. General characteristics, ecology and significance, life cycle: Puccinia and Agaricus 21. Economic Importance of Fungi

22. Smbiotic Associations-Lichens: General account, reproduction and significance 23. Mycorrhiza: ectomycorrhiza and endomycorrhiza and their significance 24. Unifying features of archegoniates, Transition and Alternation of generation.

Week-9 25. General characteristics and Land adaptations of Bryophytes 26. Detailed Classification of Bryophytes 27. Range of thallus organization, Morphology, anatomy and reproduction: Marchantia and Funaria 28. Ecology of bryophytes and Economic importance of bryophytes with special mention of Sphagnum

Week -10 29. Economic Importance of bryophytes with special mention of Sphagnum 30. General characteristics, classification of Pteridophytes

Week -11 31. Early land plants (Cooksoniaand Rhynia). 32. Morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Selaginella

33. Morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Equisetum 34. Morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Pteris

Week -13 35. Heterospory and seed habit, stelar evolution.. 36. Ecological and economical importance of Pteridophytes

37. General characteristics and Detailed Classification of Gymnosperms 38. Morphology anatomy and reproduction of Cycas

Week -15 39. Morphology anatomy and reproduction of Pinus 40. Ecological and Economic Importance of Gymnosperms  

Taught by

Dr. Arup Kumar Mitra


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