General Microbiology

Offered By: S. Kula Women’s College, Nambol, Manipur via Swayam


Microbiology Courses Nucleic Acids Courses Viruses Courses Cell Structure Courses Bacteria Courses Fungi Courses

Course Description


Microbiology is the study of a diverse group of microscopic organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. They are generally too small to be seen without the use of microscope and hence these life forms are called the microorganisms or the microbes. They are almost everywhere and affect almost all aspects of our lives. This is a general microbiology course that is intended for students to impart the knowledge of microbial life. The course structure is based on presenting the fundamentals of microbiology i.e. the biology of bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa, their classification, bacterial genetics, mode of replication, bacterial photosynthesis, bacterial fermentation, microbial food spoilage and various methods of food preservation. The students will also be introduced to the microbial pathogenesis of various infectious agents that cause diseases in humans and prevention of the infection, host resistance and immunity etc.  


COURSE LAYOUT Week 1: Microbiology: Introduction, Microscopy, Cells, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells Week 2: Structural organization of nucleic acids, Nucleic acid as genetic information carrier, Semiconservative replication of prokaryotes, Classification of microorganisms-I Week 3: Classification of microorganisms-II, Gram positive bacteria, Gram negative bacteria, Yeast Week 4: Virus – Introduction, Virus- host interaction, Lytic cycle of viruses, Lysogenic cycle of viruses Week 5: Control of microorganism, Stains and staining techniques, Nutritional requirements and growth media, Bacterialfermentation I & II Week 6: Bacterial photosynthesis, Bacterial genetics: genetic elements, Sex types, conjugation and protoplast fusion, Bacterial genetics II, Restriction endonucleases and cloning vectors Week 7: Application of recombinant DNA technology, introduction to immune system, Organs of immune system, Cells of immune system Week 8: Antigen presenting cells - macrophages and dendritic cells, Antigens and immunogens, Structure of immunoglobulins, Antigen antibody interactions Week 9: Autoimmune diseases, Vaccine, Microbial pathogenesis and diseases, Food spoilage and preservation I, Week 10: Food spoilage and preservation II, Preparation of plasma from blood and differential staining of WBC, Preparation of various media for bacterial growth and culture of bacteria, Gram staining and measurement of bacterial growth by turbidity method Week 11: Discussion/Interaction Week 12: Discussion/Interaction  

Taught by

Dr. Laitonjam Ishwori


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