Endocrine, Renal and Gastrointestinal Systems
Offered By: University of Queensland via edX
Course Description
Comprehending the complexity and integration of the human body systems is the core to learning human physiology.
SYSTEMS2x continues to investigate the intricacies of various body systems and how they function together to maintain homeostasis. This course begins by guiding you through the gastrointestinal tract and how food is moved and digested along the various segments of this system. The related roles of the pancreas in digestion and metabolism are also explored. Following this, various roles of the kidney are examined, importantly how fluid balance is achieved. Finally, the key integrating role of the endocrine system and hormones in providing cross-talk between body systems is highlighted.
This interactive course incorporates videos, insights from experts in human physiology, and questions created to test your new understanding of cell physiology.
Taught by
Stephen Anderson
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