Physiology and Biochemistry

Offered By: Gujarat University via Swayam


Physiology Courses Biochemistry Courses Cardiovascular System Courses Respiration Courses Digestion Courses

Course Description


The present core course has been designed for the students studying in the subject of zoology at college or university level as per the UGC approved curriculum. In addition this core course can also be opted by under graduate students of relevant disciplines of biological sciences.The core course will cover the essential aspects of physiology and biochemistry comprising of introductory background of scope and history of physiology as well as biochemistry. Physiology is the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts. Biochemistry is the branch of science which is concerned with the chemical and physicochemical processes that occur within living organisms. Physiology and biochemistry both are the very important branches of science which have their own significance in various fields including medical, paramedical, toxicology, pharmacy, cardiology and many more. Physiology itself contains vast number of branches such as blood physiology, renal physiology, reproductive physiology neural physiology, muscle physiology etc., and these all branches specially focuses on how these organs work in coordination with each other and they also show division of labour. It helps us in understanding the function of various organ systems of our body which is unavoidable if one wants to lead a healthy, disease free life. For example, cardio physiology makes us understand how our heart, arteries and veins works in a network that provides oxygen to different parts of our body and carries away carbon dioxide from the tissues. Same as physiology, biochemistry is also crucial for us to understand how whatever we eat as food becomes energy e.g., glucose. Biochemistry helps us to understand our enzymes, how they work? What they are made up of? Why we feel hungry?, Why we take glucose when we feel weak? Why sometimes we feel sad (fall in the level of serotonin)? and sometimes happy (rise in chemical dopamine (a neurotransmitter), which is the cause of the feeling of happiness). It also helps in diagnosis of malfunction of body systems by providing different biochemical tests that can measure our body fluids and elements (vit. D, B12, calcium, thyroid, hemoglobin, etc) and gives us the hint to maintain these crucial elements in their optimal level.



Unit-1: Nerve and MuscleLecture 1: Aim and scope of physiologyLecture 2: Structure of a neuronLecture 3: Origin of action potentialLecture 4: Skeletal & Smooth Muscle Functions

Unit-2: DigestionLecture 5: digestion in alimentary canal

Unit-3: RespirationLecture 6: Pulmonary respiration and transport of gases (O2and CO2) in bloodLecture 7: Pulmonary volumes and capacities
Unit-4: ExcretionLecture 8: Structure and function of kidney (part-1)Lecture 9: Structure and function of kidney (part-2)

Unit-5: Cardiovascular SystemLecture 10: Composition of bloodLecture 11: structure of heartLecture 12: HemostasisLecture 13:Origin and conduction of the cardiac cycle

Unit-6: Reproduction and Endocrine GlandsLecture 14: Physiology of male reproductionLecture 15:Physiology of female reproductionLecture 16:Structure and function of pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas and adrenal
Unit-7: Carbohydrate MetabolismLecture 17: Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, Pentose phosphate pathwayLecture 18: Gluconeogenesis

Unit-8: Lipid MetabolismLecture 19: Biosynthesis and β oxidation of palmiticacidUnit-9: Protein MetabolismLecture 20: Transamination, deamination and urea cycleUnit-10: EnzymesLecture 21:Nature of Enzymes : Introduction

Unit-10: EnzymesLecture 22:Nature of Enzymes :Purification immobilized enzymes and their usesLecture 23:Nature of Enzymes :Classification and kinetics Assays
Supplementary MaterialsLecture 24: Chemical foundations of physiologyLecture 25: Biomolecules: Carbohydrate and ProteinsLecture 26: Blood formationLecture 27: Nutrition 1

Supplementary MaterialsLecture 28: Nutrition 2Lecture 29: Peripheral circulationLecture 30: Amino acids and peptides properties and structure.


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