Unraveling Opinion Dynamics - Insights from Network Science and the Ising Model
Offered By: PCS Institute for Basic Science via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the fascinating world of opinion dynamics through the lens of network science and statistical physics in this comprehensive lecture. Delve into how network topologies influence opinion formation and evolution, shaping societal trends and collective behaviors. Examine the application of the Ising model to study opinion dynamics across various network structures, including Watts-Strogatz, Barabasi-Albert, and Erdos-Renyi. Gain insights into key aspects of opinion dynamics through extensive simulations, and discover how the combination of network science and statistical physics enhances our understanding of complex systems. Additionally, learn about cutting-edge research involving machine learning applications in advanced spectroscopies, Muon tomography, and battery research, showcasing the interdisciplinary nature of modern scientific inquiry.
Zulkaida Akbar, Unraveling Opinion Dynamics: Insights from Network Science and the Ising Model
Taught by
PCS Institute for Basic Science
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