Configuring and Building meta-ros for KR260 - YPS 2023.11

Offered By: Yocto Project via YouTube


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Course Description


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Learn how to configure and build the Yocto Project using meta-ros (ROS2 Humble) for the KR260 platform in this informative conference talk. Discover the process of utilizing the build system to construct and package essential components for KR260, including Linux and the ROS2 Humble framework. Gain insights into the step-by-step configuration and build process, and witness a demonstration of a ROS2 application running on the KR260 hardware. This presentation provides valuable knowledge for developers and engineers working with embedded systems and robotics, offering practical guidance on integrating ROS2 with the Yocto Project for efficient development on the KR260 platform.


YPS 2023.11 - 2023/11/30 - Sandeep Gundlupet Raju - Configuring and Building meta-ros for KR260

Taught by

Yocto Project

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