WorkAdventure - Return to Office Without Returning to the Office

Offered By: Awesome Open Source via YouTube


Docker Courses Nginx Proxy Manager Courses

Course Description


Save Big on Coursera Plus. 7,000+ courses at $160 off. Limited Time Only!
Explore a virtual office solution that brings remote teams together in a 16-bit world. Learn how to set up WorkAdventure, an innovative platform that enables peer-to-peer video and audio interactions as coworkers navigate a digital workspace. Follow along with the installation process, including Docker and NGinX Proxy Manager setup, virtual server configuration, and DNS record creation. Discover how to customize the environment, implement reverse proxy and SSL, and experience a live demo of the WorkAdventure system. Gain insights into creating engaging remote work experiences that foster casual interactions and team bonding, mirroring the spontaneity of in-person office environments.


Introduction to WorkAdventure
Thank you to my Patrons at Patreon and to my Subscribers on YouTube
Install Docker, Docker-Compose, and NGinX Proxy Manager with 1 script
Setup our Virtual Server on Digital Ocean Affiliate Link Below
Setup our DNS A Record on Hover Affiliate Link Below
Access our Server
Change the default NGinX Proxy Manager Info in docker-compose
Get WorkAdventure Setup for Install
Run the install with docker-compose up
Try to Access our WorkAdventure Site
Setup our Reverse Proxy and SSL
Demo of the WorkAdventure System

Taught by

Awesome Open Source

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