Understanding the Need for Domains and DNS in Business

Offered By: Awesome Open Source via YouTube


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Course Description


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Explore the critical role of domains and DNS in business operations through this informative 28-minute video. Gain insights into selecting professional domain names and leveraging DNS for internal and external applications. Learn about ISP limitations, CGNAT issues, and VPN solutions. Discover the process of purchasing domains, understand the differences between DNS A and CNAME records, and evaluate the viability of Dynamic DNS for professional use. Equip yourself with essential knowledge to effectively manage your online presence and network infrastructure.


Thank you to my Patrons over at Patreon
Domains, DNS, Reverse Proxies, Tunnels
ISP Limitations You may face
The Importance of a Professional Domain Name
CGNAT / Double NAT Issues
Buying a Domain
DNS A Recorrds vs. CNAME Records
Dynamic DNS? Is it an Opetion for a Pro?

Taught by

Awesome Open Source

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