What's New in Visual Studio 2017 and VS Code

Offered By: NDC Conferences via YouTube


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Explore the latest features and enhancements in Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio Code in this comprehensive conference talk. Discover new C# 7 language features, IDE productivity improvements, and enhanced support for web, cloud, Windows, and cross-platform mobile development. Learn about Visual Studio 2017's cutting-edge tools for creating apps that leverage the latest platform capabilities across Windows, Android, iOS, and Linux. Gain insights into VS Code, the lightweight, free IDE that runs on multiple platforms and is favored by many Angular 2 developers. Follow Adam Cogan as he guides you through these powerful IDEs, demonstrating how they can expand your development horizons and boost your productivity. Understand why the Visual Studio family is considered an excellent choice for software development and how it can enhance your coding experience.


What’s New in Visual Studio 2017 and VS Code - Adam Cogan

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NDC Conferences

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