What Is Euler's Formula Actually Saying? - Lockdown Live Math
Offered By: 3Blue1Brown via YouTube
Course Description
Ending Animation Preview.
Reminders from previous lecture.
Q1: Prompt (Relationship with e^iθ=…).
Q1: Results.
WTF, Whats The Function.
Exploring exp(x).
Exploring exp(x) in Python.
Important exp(x) property.
Q2: Prompt (Given f(a+b) = f(a)f(b)…).
Ask: Which is more interesting, special cases or the general case.
Q2: Results.
Will a zero break Q2?.
The e^x convention.
Q3: Prompt (i^2 = -1, i^n = -1).
Ask: Zero does not break Q2.
Q3: Results.
Comparison to Rotation.
Visualizing this relationship.
The special case of π.
Periodic nature of this relationship.
Q4: Prompt (e^3i).
Q4: Results.
Explaining the celebrity equation.
Homework / Things to think about.
Ask: Zero does break Q2..
Closing Remarks.
Taught by
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