What Is Euler's Formula Actually Saying? - Lockdown Live Math

Offered By: 3Blue1Brown via YouTube


Mathematics Courses Exponential Functions Courses Euler's Formula Courses

Course Description


Dive into a comprehensive 51-minute video lecture exploring the intricacies of Euler's formula and its profound implications in mathematics. Uncover the meaning behind the computation of e^(πi) through interactive demonstrations, Python code examples, and engaging visual animations. Follow along as the lecturer breaks down complex concepts, including the properties of exponential functions, the relationship between complex numbers and rotations, and the periodic nature of e^(iθ). Participate in live questions and gain insights into the "celebrity equation" e^(πi) + 1 = 0. Conclude with thought-provoking homework assignments to deepen your understanding of this fundamental mathematical concept.


Ending Animation Preview.
Reminders from previous lecture.
Q1: Prompt (Relationship with e^iθ=…).
Q1: Results.
WTF, Whats The Function.
Exploring exp(x).
Exploring exp(x) in Python.
Important exp(x) property.
Q2: Prompt (Given f(a+b) = f(a)f(b)…).
Ask: Which is more interesting, special cases or the general case.
Q2: Results.
Will a zero break Q2?.
The e^x convention.
Q3: Prompt (i^2 = -1, i^n = -1).
Ask: Zero does not break Q2.
Q3: Results.
Comparison to Rotation.
Visualizing this relationship.
The special case of π.
Periodic nature of this relationship.
Q4: Prompt (e^3i).
Q4: Results.
Explaining the celebrity equation.
Homework / Things to think about.
Ask: Zero does break Q2..
Closing Remarks.

Taught by


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