COVID-19 Meets America's Manufacturing Might - Ford's Pivot to Medical Production

Offered By: The Aspen Institute via YouTube


Manufacturing Courses Supply Chain Courses Crisis Management Courses Automotive Industry Courses COVID-19 Courses Worker Safety Courses

Course Description


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Explore the remarkable story of Ford Motor Company's rapid transition from automotive production to manufacturing essential medical equipment during the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic in this 40-minute video from The Aspen Institute. Discover how Ford, in collaboration with the United Auto Workers union (UAW) and other manufacturing companies, transformed its industrial facilities to produce ventilators, respirators, face shields, and masks for frontline workers. Learn about the challenges faced, the impact on workers, and the broader implications for the future of manufacturing in America. Gain insights from key figures including Rory Gamble, president of the UAW, Jim Hackett, CEO of Ford, Peter Berg, creator of the documentary "On the Line," and Gillian Tett, US editor-at-large of the Financial Times. Understand the power of collaboration in times of crisis and how this pivotal moment may reshape perceptions of the manufacturing industry. Delve into the decision-making process, worker safety concerns, and the unexpected outcomes of this historic industrial shift.


Jim Hackett
Were you given clear instructions
Did you call the other heads of the auto companies
What did your members think
Did your members get danger money
Did any of your members die
Are you proud that youre having great success
Why did you make a film about auto workers
Did anything surprise you during the filming
Will this change the way manufacturing is perceived in America
When something unexpected happens
How did you come together
How did you film this
What are you preparing for now
What are you planning to do

Taught by

The Aspen Institute

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