Design of Experiments

Offered By: Arizona State University via Coursera


Design Thinking Courses Design & Creativity Courses Data Analysis Courses Experimental Design Courses Pharmaceutical Industry Courses Automotive Industry Courses

Course Description


Learn modern experimental strategy, including factorial and fractional factorial experimental designs, designs for screening many factors, designs for optimization experiments, and designs for complex experiments such as those with hard-to-change factors and unusual responses. There is thorough coverage of modern data analysis techniques for experimental design, including software. Applications include electronics and semiconductors, automotive and aerospace, chemical and process industries, pharmaceutical and bio-pharm, medical devices, and many others. You can see an overview of the specialization from Dr. Montgomery here.


Course 1: Experimental Design Basics
- Offered by Arizona State University. This is a basic course in designing experiments and analyzing the resulting data. The course objective ... Enroll for free.

Course 2: Factorial and Fractional Factorial Designs
- Offered by Arizona State University. Many experiments in engineering, science and business involve several factors. This course is an ... Enroll for free.

Course 3: Response Surfaces, Mixtures, and Model Building
- Offered by Arizona State University. Factorial experiments are often used in factor screening.; that is, identify the subset of factors in a ... Enroll for free.

Course 4: Random Models, Nested and Split-plot Designs
- Offered by Arizona State University. Many experiments involve factors whose levels are chosen at random. A well-know situation is the study ... Enroll for free.


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    12 hours 56 minutes

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    This is a basic course in designing experiments and analyzing the resulting data. The course objective is to learn how to plan, design and conduct experiments efficiently and effectively, and analyze the resulting data to obtain objective conclusions. Both design and statistical analysis issues are discussed. Opportunities to use the principles taught in the course arise in all aspects of today’s industrial and business environment. Applications from various fields will be illustrated throughout the course. Computer software packages (JMP, Design-Expert, Minitab) will be used to implement the methods presented and will be illustrated extensively. All experiments are designed experiments; some of them are poorly designed, and others are well-designed. Well-designed experiments allow you to obtain reliable, valid results faster, easier, and with fewer resources than with poorly-designed experiments. You will learn how to plan, conduct and analyze experiments efficiently in this course.
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    9 hours 18 minutes

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    Many experiments involve factors whose levels are chosen at random. A well-know situation is the study of measurement systems to determine their capability. This course presents the design and analysis of these types of experiments, including modern methods for estimating the components of variability in these systems. The course also covers experiments with nested factors, and experiments with hard-to-change factors that require split-plot designs. We also provide an overview of designs for experiments with response distributions from nonnormal response distributions and experiments with covariates.
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    11 hours 51 minutes

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    Many experiments in engineering, science and business involve several factors. This course is an introduction to these types of multifactor experiments. The appropriate experimental strategy for these situations is based on the factorial design, a type of experiment where factors are varied together. This course focuses on designing these types of experiments and on using the ANOVA for analyzing the resulting data. These types of experiments often include nuisance factors, and the blocking principle can be used in factorial designs to handle these situations. As the number of factors of interest grows full factorials become too expensive and fractional versions of the factorial design are useful. This course will cover the benefits of fractional factorials, along with methods for constructing and analyzing the data from these experiments.
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    13 hours 8 minutes

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    Factorial experiments are often used in factor screening.; that is, identify the subset of factors in a process or system that are of primary important to the response. Once the set of important factors are identified interest then usually turns to optimization; that is, what levels of the important factors produce the best values of the response. This course provides design and optimization tools to answer that questions using the response surface framework. Other related topics include design and analysis of computer experiments, experiments with mixtures, and experimental strategies to reduce the effect of uncontrollable factors on unwanted variability in the response.

Taught by

Douglas C. Montgomery


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