What Can Experimental Petrology Tell Us About Martian Rocks?
Offered By: University of Houston-Clear Lake via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the fascinating world of Martian geology in this 40-minute physics lecture by Justin Filiberto, Post-doctoral Fellow at the Lunar and Planetary Institute. Delve into the role of experimental petrology in understanding Martian rocks, starting with an introduction to the importance of experiments in planetary science. Examine data from various Mars missions, including Pathfinder Sojourner and Spirit, and analyze the challenges of instrument bias in rock analysis. Investigate Mars Orbiter data, including water mapping, and learn about specific experiments conducted on Martian rock analogues. Connect these findings to Martian meteorites and explore the geology of key Martian features such as the Tharsis Plateau and impact craters. Gain valuable insights into how laboratory experiments on Earth contribute to our understanding of Mars' geological history and composition.
Why do experiments
Pathfinder Sojourner
Rock Data
Instrument Bias
Spirit Analysis
Mars Orbiters
Mars Orbiter Data
Water Map
Connection to Meteorites
Martian Meteorites
Tharsis Plateau
Taught by
College of Science and Engineering
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