
Offered By: Doctor Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar via Swayam


Petrology Courses Geology Courses Rock Cycle Courses Igneous Rocks Courses Metamorphism Courses Rock Classification Courses

Course Description


This course is a basic to advanceintroductionfortheundergraduatestudentspursuing B.Sc. Geology / Engineering Graduate for Civil and Mining.The term petrology comes from the ancient GreekwordPetra “rock” and Logos “explanation”thatmeans the study of rocks and theirprocessesof origin.This coursedeals with the naturally occurringrocksin fieldas well aslaboratory analysisdatathat providesufficient information how they occur in the nature. It gives idea of modern petrological theories which are widely accepted for their origin.Thecoursedefinitelyprovides better understanding to students for the processes and principles involvedduring theoriginand evolutionof the rocks


Week -1
W1D1 - Geology & its Perspective, Assignment & Quiz; W1D2 - Carrier in Geology,Assignment & Quiz;W1D3 - Rock Cycle,Assignment & Quiz;W1D4 - Structure and classification of the silicate minerals,Assignment & Quiz; W1D5 - Assignment & Interaction; W1D6 - Weekly text.Week - 2
W2D1 - Internal structure & chemical composition of various layers of the Earth,Assignment & Quiz;W2D2 - Interior of earth,Assignment & Quiz;W2D3 - Formation of crust and mantle,Assignment & Quiz;W2D4 - Formation of core - 01,Assignment & Quiz;W2D5-Assignment & Interaction; W1D6 - Weekly text.Week - 3
W3D1 -Formation of core - 02,Assignment & Quiz;W3D2 - Magma: definition, composition, types and origin;Assignment & Quiz;W3D3 -Texture of igneous rocks - 01,Assignment & Quiz;W3D4 - Texture of Igneous rocks - 02,Assignment & Quiz;W3D5 -Assignment & Interaction; W3D6 - Weekly Text.Week - 4
W4D1 -Texture of Igneous rocks - 03,Assignment & Quiz; W4D2 - Present Classification/IUGS,Assignment & Quiz;W4D3 -Assignment & Interaction; W4D4 -Bowen Reaction Series and Reaction Principle,Assignment & Quiz; W4D5 -Assignment & Interaction; W4D6 - Weekly Test.Week -5W5D1 -Crystallization of Unicomponent and Bicomponent,Assignment & Quiz;W5D2 - Igneous Rock,Assignment & Quiz; W5D3 -Intrusive igneous rocks,Assignment & Quiz;W5D4 -Assignment & Interaction;W4D5 -Assignment & Interaction; W4D6 - Weekly Test.Week - 6W6D1 -Classification Mineralogical and Chemical of Igneous Rocks;Assignment & Quiz;W6D2 -Assignment & Interaction; W6D3 -Mineralogical characteristics of acid igneous rocks and alkaline rocks,Assignment & Quiz;W6D4 - Mineralogical Characteristics of basic igneous rocks and ultramafic rocks,Assignment & Quiz;W4D5 -Assignment & Interaction; W4D6 - Weekly Test.Week - 7W7D1 - Origin of Sediments, W7D2- Processes of formation of sedimentary rocks, W7D3 - Lithification and Diagenesis, Sedimenatry rocks
Week - 8W8D1 - Classification of sedimentary rocks, W8D2 - Classification of sedimentary rocks based on grain size, W8D3 - Texture of sedimentary rocks, Structure of sedimentary rocks, W8D4 - Petrographic details of important siliciclastic and carbonate rocks such as - conglomerate, breccia, sandstone, greywacke, shale, limestonesWeek -9
W9D1 - Definition of metamorphism, W9D2 - Factors controlling metamorphism, Variables / agents and types / kinds of metamorphism – contact, regional, fault zone metamorphism, impact metamorphism, W9D3 -Types of metamorphism and classification based on metamorphic agent,
Week -10
W10D1 - Metamorphic facies and metamorphic grade,Index minerals, chemographic projection, graphical representation of metamorphic minerals assemblages; ACF, AKF and AFM etc, W10D3Metamorphic zones, isogrades and reaction isograde,
Week - 11
W11D1 -Concept of classification of metamorphic facies, facies-series and grade, W11D2 -Structure and texture of metamorphic rocks.Week -12
W12D1 - Description of facies; facies of low pressure: Albite epidote facies, W12D2 - Hornblende hornfels facies, W12D3 - Pyroxene hornfels facies, W12D4 - Sanidinite Facies.
Week -13W13D1- Description of facies; facies of medium to high pressure Zeolite facies, W13D2 - Green Schist Facies, W13D3 - Amphibolite facies, W13D4 - Ganulite Facies.
Week - 14W14D1 - Description of facies; facies of very high pressure. Blue schist , W14D2- Eclogite facies, W14D3 - Regional metamorphism of pelitic rocks - 1, W14D4 - Regional metamorphism of pelitic rocks - 2.
Week - 15W15D1 Basic and Ultrabasic rocks, W15D2 - Thermal metamorphism of pelitic rocks, W15D3 - Thermal metamorphism of calcareous rocks , W15D4 -Different types of Metamorphic reactions.
Week - 16W16D1 - Petrographic details of some important metamorphic rocks such as - slate, phyllite, schists, gneiss, quartzite, marble, charnockite, Leptynite etc, W16D2 - Migmatites, W16D3 - Metasomatism & Differentiation.

Taught by

Professor (Dr.) Harel Thomas


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