Mineralogical and Chemical Classification of Igneous Rocks - Week 6 Day 1

Offered By: Dr. Harel Thomas Petrology via YouTube


Petrology Courses Geochemistry Courses Mineralogy Courses Igneous Rocks Courses Rock Classification Courses

Course Description


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Explore the mineralogical and chemical classification of igneous rocks in this 29-minute lecture from the Petrology course. Delivered by Dr. Harel Thomas, Professor of Applied Geology at Doctor Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, this video is part of a comprehensive 16-week program designed for undergraduate and postgraduate Geology students. Gain valuable insights into the fundamental principles of rock classification, enhancing your understanding of igneous petrology. Delve into the scientific methods used to categorize rocks based on their mineral composition and chemical properties, providing a solid foundation for further studies in geological sciences.


W6D1 Mineralogical and Chemical Classification of Igneous Rocks (Petrology)

Taught by

Dr. Harel Thomas Petrology

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