OpenTelemetry - An Observability Framework for Cloud-Native Software

Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube


Voxxed Days Courses Cloud Infrastructure Courses Observability Courses OpenTelemetry Courses Telemetry Data Courses

Course Description


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Explore OpenTelemetry, a vendor-agnostic observability framework for cloud-native software, in this 22-minute conference talk. Delve into the challenges of distributed and polyglot architectures in cloud-native technology stacks, focusing on availability and performance issues. Discover how OpenTelemetry addresses the lack of standardization in telemetry data collection, enhancing data portability and reducing instrumentation maintenance. Examine the various components of the OpenTelemetry specification and learn how it seamlessly integrates with popular frameworks and libraries. Gain insights into OpenTelemetry's interaction with cloud infrastructure, emphasizing its application in cloud-native environments.


[VDZ22] OpenTelemetry – An Observability Framework for Cloud-Native Software by Dennis Kieselhorst

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