Value Classes in Scala

Offered By: Java via YouTube


Scala Courses Object-oriented programming Courses Boxing Courses Type System Courses Compiler Design Courses

Course Description


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Explore value classes in Scala with Lukas Rytz in this 36-minute conference talk. Delve into the main idea behind value classes, their representation implications, and various use cases. Learn about defining value classes, type hierarchy, extending traits, and boxing. Understand performance models, overloading restrictions, and feature interactions in the compiler. Discover how value classes interact with Java interfaces and consider future possibilities like multiple fields. Gain insights into extension methods, trait method calls, and the manifestation of value classes at bridges.


Value Classes in Scala
Main Idea
Implications of this Representation
Some Use Cases
Example: Extension Method
Client Code
Defining Value Classes
Type Hierarchy
Extending Traits
Trait Method Calls
Performance Model
Overloading Restrictions
Manifestation at Bridges class C[T](val x T) extends Anyval
Extending Java Interfaces
Option[T] value class?
Feature Interactions in the Compiler
Future: Multiple Fields

Taught by


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