Urdu Poetry

Offered By: CEC via YouTube


Poetry Courses Urdu Literature Courses Urdu Poetry Courses

Course Description


Explore the rich tradition of Urdu poetry through this comprehensive course. Delve into the works of renowned poets like Mirza Mohammad Rafi Sauda, Mir Taqi Mir, and Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib. Examine the art of ghazal writing, studying the styles of Momin, Aatish, Dagh Dehlavi, and Iqbal. Analyze the contributions of modern poets such as Faiz Ahmed Faiz, Jigar Moradabadi, and Firaq Gorakhpuri. Investigate various poetic forms including nazm, with focus on works by Allama Iqbal, Majaz Lucknowi, and Josh Malihabadi. Discover literary movements like Halqae Arbab-e-Zauq and Dabistan-e-Lucknow, and explore the evolution of modern Urdu nazm. Gain insights into the nuances of Urdu poetry, from ihaam goi to the language reform movement, in this extensive 32-hour course.


Mirza Mohammad Rafi Sauda.
Ghazal - Introduction.
Urdu Poetry.
Mir Taqi Mir.
Khwaja Mir Dard.
Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib.
Momin ki Ghazal Goi.
Aatish ki Ghazal Goi.
Dagh Dehlavi ki Ghazal Goi.
Iqbal Ki Ghazal Goi.
Ghazal : Introduction.
Faiz Ahmed Faiz.
Jigar Moradabadi ki Ghazal Goi.
Fani Badayuni ki Ghazal Goi.
Hasrat Mohani Ki Ghazal Goi.
Asghar Gondavi ki Ghazal Goi.
Firaq Gorakhpuri ki Ghazal Goi.
Nazm ka Fann.
Nasir Kazmi ki Ghazal Goi.
Allama Iqbal ki Nazm Nigari.
Faiz ki Nazm Nigari.
Majaz Lucknowi ki Nazm Nigari.
Josh Malihabadi ki Nazm Nigari.
Akhtarul Iman ki Nazm Nigari.
Mukhdoom Muhiuddin ki Nazm Nigari.
Ihaam Goi.
Halqae Arbab - e - Zauq.
Islah-e-zabaan ki Tahrik.
Modern Urdu Nazm.
Modern Urdu Nazm.
Modern Urdu Nazm - II.
Study of Ghazal.

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