Classical Genres of Urdu Poetry
Offered By: CEC via Swayam
Course Description
Urdu is a rich tradition of poetry and has many different forms. It is an important part of the cultures of South Asia. Besides all these genres are fundamentally performative poetry and its popularity among the masses remains unaltered. This paper contains two major classical genres of Urdu poetry i.e,Marsiya, and Qaseeda, Marsiya is a narrative form of poetry which is an allegory typically composed about the death of Imam e Hussain and Relatives. Qaseeda is usually an ode to a benefactor, a satire or an account of an event. It uses the same rhyme system as Ghazal, but is longer.In both the classical genres we will discuss the various aspects of Urdu poetry and the famous classic urdu poets and their style and contribution to the history of Urdu poetry.
1. Urdu Mein Shakhsi Marsiyai2. Janubi Hind Mein Marsiyai Kai Naqoosh3. Shumali Hind Mein Marsiyai Ka Faroog4. Urdu Mein Marsiyai Ki Ifadiyat5. Urdu Marsiyai Ka Aagaz O Irtiqa6. Marsiyai Ka Fun7. Mirza Salamat Ali Dabeer Ki Marsiya Goyi8. Namak Khawan e Takalum Hai Fasahat Meri [ANEES]9. Dast e Khuda Ka Quwat e Bazu Hussain Hai [DABEER]10. Mirza Ghalib [Mohammad Iqbal]11. Urdu Qasiday Ka Aagaz o Irtiqa12. Qasiday Ka Fun13. Janubi Hind Mein Urdu Qasidah14. Shumali Hind Mein Urdu Qasidah15. Urdu Qasiday Kai Zawal Kai Asbaab16. Sooda Ki Qasidah Nigari17. Zaoq Ki Qasidah Nigari18. Mohsin Kakorvi ki Qasidah Nigari19. Ab Samnay Meray Jo Koyi Peer o Jawan Hai….Sooda20. Zahay Nishat Agar Kijyai Issay Tahreer…..Zaoq
Taught by
Dr Kausar Rasool
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