Introduction to Multi-Messenger Astrophysics and Cosmic Rays - Class 1

Offered By: ICTP-SAIFR via YouTube


Cosmic Rays Courses Astrophysics Courses Gamma-Ray Bursts Courses Astroparticle Physics Courses Cherenkov Telescope Array Courses

Course Description


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Dive into the fascinating world of multi-messenger astrophysics with this comprehensive lecture from the Latin-American School on CTA Science. Explore cosmic rays, their origins, and current understanding as presented by Ulisses Barres from CBPF, Brazil. Discover the history and status of gamma astronomy, delve into astroparticle physics, and learn about the Crab Nebula as a particle accelerator. Gain insights into the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), gamma-ray bursts, and transient sources. Examine the CTA context and scenario, and understand the Astro 2020 perspective on multi-messenger astrophysics.


Cosmic Rays
Origin of Cosmic Rays
Current Understanding
Cosmic Reacceleration
Cosmic Ray Astronomy
History of Gamma Astronomy
Status of Gamma Astronomy
Astro Particle Physics
Crab Nebula
Particle Accelerator
Transient Sources
CTA Context
CTA Scenario
Astro 2020 Perspective

Taught by


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