How Well Do We Know Our Universe? by Jayant Narlikar
Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube
Course Description
Date: Mon, 19 August 2019, 15:00 to
How well do we know our universe?
Some ancient ideas
The Norse World Tree
The hierarchical universe
Pythagorean Counter-Earth...
The decreasing importance of Man on the Earth
A second demotion...?
Where is the Galactic Centre?
Is our Galaxy alone in the universe?
Are all these nebulae in the Galaxy?
Majority View as expressed by Agnes Clerk
The majority view turned out to be wrong: The Third Demotion!
Cosmological Revolution
Hubble's Law 1929
Standard Cosmology
Explanation of the expanding universe
All models predicted that the universe originated in a "Big Bang"
A Singular Beginning
What is Big Bang?
1946-48: George Gamow used the aspect of the early universe that it was very hot
The last scattering surface, however, places a limit on how far or how early a universe we can observe.
The very early universe
Time temperature/energy relationship
Astroparticle Physics
Theories and Speculations
The status of inflation
Some epicycles of modern cosmology
If dark matter out to be wholly baryonic, it will pose problems for the big bang, e.g., too little primordial deuterium, large scale structure would create too large fluctuations today in the radiation background.
Emperor's New Clothes?
A plea to the cosmologists: Please treat the subject as open with some room for alternative ideas...
Taught by
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
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