Migration from Python 2 to 3

Offered By: PyCon US via YouTube


PyCon US Courses JupyterLab Courses

Course Description


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Learn how to migrate Python 2 projects to Python 3 in this comprehensive tutorial. Explore the key differences between Python 2 and 3, and master the single-source approach using python-future to create code that runs on both versions without modifications. Discover techniques for porting to Python 3 while maintaining Python 2 support, and understand how to eventually drop Python 2 compatibility with minimal effort. Gain practical insights from real-world migration scenarios and bring your own questions to this interactive session. Set up a development environment with Python 2.7 and 3.8, JupyterLab, and essential dependencies to follow along with hands-on exercises. Download provided materials to enhance your learning experience and prepare for a smooth transition to Python 3 in your projects.


Tutorial: Mike Müller - Migration from Python 2 to 3

Taught by

PyCon US

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