Turn Angles, Continued Fractions and Approximate Geometry - WildTrig: Intro to Rational Trigonometry

Offered By: Insights into Mathematics via YouTube


Continued Fractions Courses Trigonometry Courses Geometry Courses Euclidean Algorithm Courses

Course Description


Explore the concept of turn angles and their relationship to continued fractions in this mathematics video. Learn about the natural unit of angle measurement, called a "circ," and how it relates to a full turn around a circle. Discover how to evaluate arbitrary angles using continued fractions, a technique derived from the Euclidean algorithm for finding greatest common divisors. Compare the application of this method to both linear segments and circular arcs, highlighting the unique challenges posed by circular geometry. Gain insights into the connections between angle measurement, continued fractions, and the fundamental principles of geometry in this informative presentation.


The Euclidean Algorithm
Continued Fractions
Turn angles

Taught by

Insights into Mathematics

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