Transforming Call Center Operations with AI - A Financial Institution Case Study

Offered By: Snorkel AI via YouTube


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Course Description


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Explore how a major financial institution revolutionized its call center operations using Snorkel Flow in this 12-minute video. Learn about the organization's goal to provide 'white glove' service across all channels through AI implementation. Delve into the challenges faced with scalability and agility in understanding customer calls, and discover how Snorkel's programmatic labeling solution addressed these issues. Join Max Williams and Matt Casey as they discuss the deployment process, its significant impact, and future plans to integrate all customer touchpoints for an enhanced overall customer experience. Gain insights into enterprise AI applications in fintech and call center management through this comprehensive case study.


Introduction to the Discussion
Overview of the Financial Institution's Initiative
Challenges in Call Center Operations
Snorkel AI's Programmatic Labeling Solution
Implementation and Impact
Future Plans and Broader Initiatives

Taught by

Snorkel AI

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