Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 3D Modeling Tutorial - Part 1: Body Sculpting and Shell Creation

Offered By: Michael Pavlovich via YouTube


ZBrush Courses 3D Character Modeling Courses Hard-Surface Modeling Courses Digital Sculpting Courses ZModeler Courses

Course Description


Dive into an extensive 2-hour and 41-minute tutorial on creating a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle character in 3D. Learn advanced techniques for body sculpting, shell creation, and intricate detailing using ZBrush. Master skills like blocking out the body, sketching landmarks, using ZRemesh, and applying Mesh Fusion. Explore specialized techniques such as chain mail creation, scan cleanup, and polypaint color shifting. Delve into ZModeler basics, custom topology, and QMesh functionality for creating wraps and straps. Tackle advanced topics like Boolean panel cuts, redirecting edge flow, and hard surface modeling with curved surfaces. Gain insights into professional 3D character creation workflows and enhance your digital sculpting abilities.


- Intro
- Blocking out the body
- Sketching Body Landmarks
- Copy Paste Folder content
- ZRemesh and Refine
- Mesh Fusion and Freeze Subdivisions
- Modifying default brush settings
- Chain mail and knit micropoly cloth
- Wrap Ten24 Scan Store bodies
- XTractor scan cleanup
- Polypaint color shift to green
- Backface masking strap thickness
- Cloth and fabric tears
- Modifying VDM Alphas
- Curved Brick Wall
- Creating the Turtle Shell
- ZModeler Basics
- Custom ZModeler topology and slice
- QMesh Functionality and more
- Wraps and Straps creation
- Boolean Panel Cuts
- Redirecting Edgeflow
- ZRemesh Panel Cuts
- ZSphere topology creation and cleanup
- Hard Surface with Curved Surfaces
- Mesh Fusion Curved Surface Hard surface

Taught by

Michael Pavlovich

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