The Isoperimetric Problem in Cubes and Torii

Offered By: Institute for Advanced Study via YouTube


Geometry Courses Topology Courses Differential Geometry Courses Calculus of Variation Courses Isoperimetric Problem Courses

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Explore the fascinating world of geometric optimization in this 23-minute conference talk by Federico Glaudo from the Institute for Advanced Study. Delve into the intricacies of the isoperimetric problem as it applies to cubes and torii, uncovering the mathematical challenges and solutions in these unique geometric spaces. Gain insights into cutting-edge research in this field, presented as part of the "Short Talks by Postdoctoral Members" series. Learn how the principles of minimizing surface area while maximizing volume play out in these complex shapes, and discover the implications for various fields of mathematics and physics.


The Isoperimetric Problem in Cubes and Torii - Federico Glaudo

Taught by

Institute for Advanced Study

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