The Future of Game Communities, and How We Avoid It

Offered By: GDC via YouTube


GDC (Game Developers Conference) Courses Community Management Courses Gaming Industry Courses

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Explore the evolution of game communities in this 34-minute GDC 2023 conference talk. Delve into the changing landscape of community management, from AAA titles to Twitch micro-communities and NFT game Discords. Learn how longtime Community Manager Kelsey Gamble tracks the progression of community engagement models and their potential impact on the gaming industry. Examine case studies ranging from game retail community management to the launch of Fallout 76, and investigate emerging trends in NFT game communities. Analyze these developments through the lens of community management theory and identify potential red flags that may shape the future of game communities. Gain valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities facing community managers in an ever-evolving gaming landscape.


The Future of Game Communities, and How We Avoid It

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