The Free Energy of Matrix Models and Application to the Microstates Free Entropy

Offered By: Fields Institute via YouTube


Free Energies Courses Theoretical Computer Science Courses Mathematical Physics Courses

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Explore a 59-minute lecture by Felix Parraud from KTH Royal Institute of Technology on the free energy of matrix models and its application to microstates free entropy. Delivered on November 17, 2023, as part of the Workshop on Operator Algebras and Applications: Free Probability at the Fields Institute, this talk delves into advanced mathematical concepts within operator algebra theory. Gain insights into the intersection of matrix models, free energy, and microstates free entropy, and understand their relevance in the broader context of operator algebras and applications. Access the abstract for more detailed information on the lecture's content and its significance in the field.


The free energy of matrix models and application to the microstates free entropy

Taught by

Fields Institute

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