The Febrile Infant - The Advanced EM Boot Camp
Offered By: The Center for Medical Education via YouTube
Course Description
Explore an in-depth lecture on managing febrile infants in emergency medicine. Delve into critical aspects such as normal exam findings, fever assessment, physical examination techniques, and the importance of well-appearing kids. Examine gram-negative infections, clinical evaluation methods, and risk factors. Learn about the Rochester Criteria and a step-by-step approach to managing these cases. Discover lab testing for babies, validation processes, and how to identify high-risk infants. Investigate the impact of recent immunizations, considerations for older children, and the importance of thorough physical history. Analyze where infections can be hidden and evaluate the literature's stance on various approaches. Gain insights into vaccination, viral testing, red flags, and comprehensive physical examination techniques. This advanced lecture is part of a broader emergency medicine course designed to enhance your skills and provide the best care for your pediatric patients.
Normal Exam
Physical Exam
Wellappearing Kids
Clinical Exam
Risk Factors
Rochester Criteria
StepbyStep Approach
Lab for Babies
Missed Babies
High Risk Babies
Recent Immunizations
Older Kids
Physical History
Where can it be hiding
The literature doesnt support it
Viral Testing
Red Flags
Physical Examination
Taught by
The Center for Medical Education
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