The Circle and Projective Homogeneous Coordinates in Universal Hyperbolic Geometry - Lecture 7b
Offered By: Insights into Mathematics via YouTube
Course Description
Learn about projective geometry and its connection to universal hyperbolic geometry in this 24-minute video lecture. Explore the 19th century view of projective space as one-dimensional subspaces of a higher-dimensional affine space. Discover how the projective line relates to lines through the origin in two-dimensional space, and how the projective plane deals with subspaces in three-dimensional xyz space. Examine the relationship between projective geometry and Renaissance artists' attempts at correct perspective rendering, illustrated through a novel look at parabolas. Understand the two-dimensional representation of the projective plane and its intersection with the z=1 plane in xyz space. Gain insights into how the circle represents a cone in this view, connecting back to ancient Greek geometry. Delve into the importance of the circle in projective homogeneous coordinates, a crucial concept in mathematics and physics, particularly in special relativity and hyperbolic geometry.
The circle and projective homogeneous coordinates (cont.) | Universal Hyperbolic Geometry 7b
Taught by
Insights into Mathematics
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