Teaching New Tricks to Old Programs Part 1
Offered By: GOTO Conferences via YouTube
Course Description
Explore new interpretations for existing functional programs in this conference talk from YOW! 2017. Discover an alternative to domain-specific embedded languages (DSELs) that allows for operations like root-finding, optimization, exact differentiation, integration, and efficient incremental evaluation. Learn how to implement this approach using a GHC plugin that translates programs to a more generalizable form. Examine various interpretations including hardware circuits, automatic differentiation, incremental evaluation, and interval analysis. Delve into topics such as organizing interpretations, overloading lambda functions, and abstract algebra for functions. Gain insights into products, exponentials, and changing interpretations to enhance your understanding of functional programming and software architecture.
What does it mean?
Organizing interpretations
Why overload lambda etc?
Why overload lambda?
How to overload lambda?
Eliminating lambda
Abstract algebra for functions
Changing interpretations
Taught by
GOTO Conferences
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