An introduction to Haskell Programming

Offered By: Chennai Mathematical Institute via Swayam


Programming Courses Haskell Courses Functional Programming Courses Higher-Order Functions Courses Lazy Evaluation Courses Recursion Courses

Course Description


Functional programming is an elegant, concise and powerful programming paradigm. This style encourages breaking up programming tasks into logical units that can be easily translated into provably correct code. Haskell brings together the best features of functional programming and is increasingly being used in the industry, both for building rapid prototypes and for actual deployment. 


• Introduction to Haskell and the ghci interpreter
• Defining functions: guards, pattern matching and recursion
• Lists, strings and tuples
• Types and polymorphim
• Higher order functions on lists: map, filter, list comprehension
• Computation as rewriting, lazy evaluation and infinite data structures
• Conditional polymorphism and type classes
• User defined datatypes: lists, queues, trees
• Input/output and the ghc compiler
• Array

Taught by

Madhavan Mukund


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