Modern Binary Build Systems for Python Extensions

Offered By: PyCon US via YouTube


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Course Description


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Explore the evolution of binary extension packaging in Python through this insightful PyCon US talk. Discover how modern build systems like scikit-build-core, meson-python, and maturin are revolutionizing the way binary extensions are created and managed. Learn about the significant reduction in build-related code, as exemplified by NumPy's transition to Meson. Gain an understanding of the integrated experience these systems provide, including support for compiled extensions on various platforms and modern editable installs. Dive into the simplicity of setting up binary extensions using CMake, Meson, or Maturin, and explore how these solutions address cross-compilation, multithreaded builds, and modern C++ standards. Examine the synergy between these build systems, cibuildwheel for wheel building, and binding tools like pybind11 and nanobind. Investigate real-world examples of large-scale conversions to modern build systems, including insights from NumPy and RAPIDS.ai. By the end of this talk, acquire the knowledge to easily create compiled extensions and migrate existing projects to these cutting-edge build systems, enhancing your ability to solve complex problems in Python development.


Talks - Henry Fredrick Schreiner III: Modern binary build systems

Taught by

PyCon US

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