Graphs and Vogue Dance: Using Data Structures to Create Choreographies
Offered By: PyCon US via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the intersection of data structures and dance choreography in this 28-minute PyCon US talk. Discover how graphs can be utilized to create and visualize Vogue Dance choreographies, a dance form rooted in LGBTQIA+ culture. Learn to represent dance sequences as directed graphs, with nodes depicting specific poses and edges illustrating the connections between them. Gain insights into using this powerful tool for analyzing movement patterns, facilitating creative choreography development, and potentially generating random dance sequences. By the end of the presentation, witness the practical application of these concepts in assembling a choreography based on the poses discussed.
Talks - Alynne Ferreira: Graphs and Vogue Dance: using data structures to create choreographies
Taught by
PyCon US
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