Discussion Meeting - Field Theory and Turbulence

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Turbulence Courses Fluid Dynamics Courses Field Theory Courses Statistical Mechanics Courses Quantum Gravity Courses Critical Phenomena Courses

Course Description


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Explore the complex world of turbulence in this talk by Jörg Schumacher and Ambrish Pandey, presented at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences. Delve into the connections between field theory and turbulence as part of a broader discussion meeting on this critical topic in science and engineering. Gain insights into the challenges of modeling turbulent flows arising from Navier-Stokes equations at high Reynolds numbers. Discover how researchers are applying concepts from Quantum Field Theory, critical phenomena, and conformal field theory to understand turbulence. Learn about the ongoing efforts to develop theories that accurately describe universal power laws in turbulent flows. Examine the relationships between turbulence and other areas of physics, including black-hole solutions, vorticity, and loop equations in gauge theories. Investigate the current state of research on singularities in Navier-Stokes and Euler equations. Engage with a multifaceted approach to understanding and predicting turbulence, bridging progress across various scientific disciplines.


Talk by Jörg Schumacher & Ambrish Pandey

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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