Exact Solution of Decaying Turbulence by Alexander Migdal
Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a distinguished lecture on the exact solution of decaying turbulence delivered by Alexander Migdal, Research Professor of Physics at New York University. Delve into an infinite dimensional manifold of exact solutions for the Navier-Stokes loop equation in decaying turbulence across arbitrary dimensions. Gain insights from Migdal's significant contributions to critical phenomena theory, quantum chromodynamics, and conformal field theory. Learn about his work on dynamical mass generation in gauge theories, the conformal bootstrap, and progress in quantum chromodynamics. Discover Migdal's nonperturbative approach to turbulence and his recent focus on various aspects of turbulence after returning to academia from a successful entrepreneurial career.
Exact Solution Of Decaying Turbulence by Alexander Migdal
Taught by
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
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