Strategies for Overcoming Common Software Development Challenges: A Management Perspective

Offered By: Drupal Association via YouTube


Project Management Courses Communication Skills Courses Software Development Courses Software Testing Courses Team Management Courses Quality Control Courses Scope Management Courses

Course Description


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Explore strategies for overcoming common software development challenges from a management perspective in this 42-minute conference talk from DrupalCon Lille 2023. Delve into ten key issues faced by development teams, including unrealistic deadlines, poorly defined requirements, inadequate resources, and insufficient communication. Learn practical approaches to address scope creep, lack of flexibility, poor quality control, and inadequate testing. Discover ways to mitigate team member turnover and the impact of lack of recognition. Gain valuable insights and techniques to improve project outcomes, enhance team productivity, and deliver high-quality software products on time. Suitable for developers, project managers, and senior executives involved in software development management and delivery.


Strategies for Overcoming Common Software Development Challenges: A Management Perspective

Taught by

Drupal Association

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