Understanding the Utility of Haptic Feedback in Telerobotic Devices

Offered By: Stanford University via YouTube


Haptic Feedback Courses

Course Description


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Explore the cutting-edge research on haptic feedback in telerobotic applications presented by Jeremy Brown from Johns Hopkins University in this Stanford seminar. Delve into the challenges of dexterous manipulation in remote environments and discover how telerobotics can restore access. Learn about recent findings comparing haptic feedback and autonomous control approaches for upper-extremity prosthetic limbs, including the cognitive load associated with haptic feedback. Gain insights into the potential benefits of haptic feedback in robotic minimally invasive surgery (RAMIS) training. Examine current efforts to measure haptic perception through novel telerobotic interfaces. This 44-minute talk offers a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements in haptic feedback technology and its applications in prosthetics, surgery, and beyond.


Stanford Seminar - Understanding the Utility of Haptic Feedback in Telerobotic Devices

Taught by

Stanford Online


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