The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - The 3 Learnings of an SRE
Offered By: USENIX via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the journey of a young Site Reliability Engineer in this 18-minute conference talk from SREcon20 Americas. Discover the core values of Site Reliability Engineering and gain insights into three crucial learnings: effective incident management, adequate monitoring coverage, and favoring proactive over reactive approaches. Learn about the transition from academia to industry, drawing parallels between SRE principles and navigating the workplace. Delve into topics such as SLI, SLO, SLA, chaos engineering, and gamedays while understanding the importance of proactive strategies in maintaining system reliability.
The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
proactive reactive
proactive approaches
chaos engineering
effective incident management
Why is this important?
Overview of SLI, SLO, SLA
How can we ensure coverage? understand
Key Takeaways
Taught by
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