SREcon Courses
USENIX via YouTube SRE and ML - Why It Matters
USENIX via YouTube Knowledge and Power - A Sociotechnical Systems Discussion on the Future of SRE
USENIX via YouTube Tracing Bare Metal with OpenTelemetry
USENIX via YouTube Improving How We Observe Our Observability Data - Techniques for SREs
USENIX via YouTube DO, RE, Me - Measuring the Effectiveness of Site Reliability Engineering
USENIX via YouTube The Future of Above-the-Line Tooling
USENIX via YouTube Tales from the VOID - The Scary Truth about Incident Metrics
USENIX via YouTube EBPF - The Next Power Tool of SREs
USENIX via YouTube Building a Path to the Future - Mentoring New SREs
USENIX via YouTube