Audi Sky Sphere 3D Speed Modeling Timelapse
Offered By: HandleBar3D via YouTube
Course Description
Watch a detailed 3D speed modeling timelapse of the Audi Sky Sphere concept car by special guest Felix Vu. Follow along as Felix demonstrates his workflow for creating a first 3D impression of a concept car design, primarily using Alias Surface 2021 with some Grasshopper 0.9 for pattern work. Learn techniques applicable to Sub-D modeling in Rhino or poly modeling in Maya and Blender. Observe the entire process, from basic setup and wheel creation to establishing proportions, developing curve networks, and adding intricate details. Gain insights into professional 3D automotive modeling techniques through this accelerated 13-hour project condensed into an informative 2.5-hour video.
- Intro
- Basic Setup
- Wheels
- Setting up a Proportion Model
- Curve Network
- Windows
- Loop 1
- Loop 2
- Loop 3
- Loop 4
- Details
- Grasshopper Pattern
- Outro
Taught by
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