Soil Carbon Saturation - Do Soils Have a Carbon Storage Limit, and If So, What Controls It?
Offered By: AGU via YouTube
Course Description
Soil carbon storage and losses on a global-scale
What is mineral-associated and why is it important?
Soil carbon storage: a balance between inputs and outputs
What is soil carbon saturation?
Biotic vs. mineralogical controls
Mineralogical controls across soils
Mineralogical capacity in practice
Estimating mineralogical capacity: a historical perspective
Relationship between MOC and clay + silt content
Global synthesis of mineral-associated
Under-saturation with management and soil depth
Temperature controls and vulnerability of MOC
Global mineral-associated carbon and mineralogical saturation
Why is the mineralogical capacity relevant?
Management implications and challenges
Take-away messages
C-loading in African Dark Earths: Specific Surface Area
Carbon Loading (C-loading)
Taught by
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