Carbon Sequestration Courses

What Is Carbon Sequestration, Why Is It Important, and How Does It Work? - GEO GIRL
GEO GIRL via YouTube
The Energy Transition - Challenges for Geoscientists
Royal Holloway, University of London via YouTube
Soil Carbon Saturation - Do Soils Have a Carbon Storage Limit, and If So, What Controls It?
AGU via YouTube
Measuring Soil C - Emerging Approaches
AGU via YouTube
Waldgärten – mit resilienten Systemen gegen die Klimakatastrophe
media.ccc.de via YouTube
La révolution des algues - Potentiel écologique inexploité
TEDx via YouTube
Algas - El Futuro del Planeta y la Crisis Climática
TEDx via YouTube
Management of Marginal Lands and Carbon Sequestration estimation through Remote Sensing and GIS
Universitat Politècnica de València via edX
Stanford Seminar - Carbon Sequestration
Stanford University via YouTube
Stanford Seminar - Geological & Environmental Science Carbon Sequestration
Stanford University via YouTube
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