Randomness Everywhere - Understanding Random Walk Models and Their Applications

Offered By: Santa Fe Institute via YouTube


Statistical Physics Courses Complex Systems Courses Probability Theory Courses Non-equilibrium systems Courses

Course Description


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Explore the fascinating world of randomness in this Santa Fe Institute community lecture by physicist Sid Redner. Discover how the concept of randomness underlies everyday events, from stock market fluctuations to gambling outcomes. Learn about the famous random walk model and its intriguing consequences, including applications in gambling, sports statistics, and foraging strategies. Gain insights into how understanding randomness can help make sense of experiences and resolve apparent paradoxes. Delve into Redner's expertise in non-equilibrium statistical physics, complex network structures, and physics-based models of social dynamics as he presents an engaging introduction to this pervasive phenomenon.


SFI Community Lecture - Sid Redner - Randomness Everywhere

Taught by

Santa Fe Institute


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