Engineered Swift Equilibration: Applications and Optimization - Lecture

Offered By: Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI) via YouTube


Statistical Physics Courses Thermodynamics Courses Stochastic Processes Courses Brownian Motion Courses Atomic Force Microscopy Courses Non-equilibrium systems Courses

Course Description


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Explore a comprehensive lecture on Engineered Swift Equilibration (ESE) and its diverse applications. Delve into the method's ability to rapidly transition systems between states, significantly faster than natural equilibration times. Examine the application of ESE in compressing a single Brownian particle trapped in a harmonic potential, demonstrating how the protocol can achieve the same final state orders of magnitude quicker than traditional methods. Investigate the tunable parameters for desired dynamics and the protocol's stability against external perturbations. Analyze ESE's application to first passage time problems, particularly in optimizing Brownian particle target acquisition through origin resetting. Discover how ESE can enhance force measurements in atomic force microscopy. Gain insights into the practical modifications required for theoretical strategies in realistic situations, emphasizing ESE's versatility and efficiency in various scientific domains.


Sergio Ciliberto - Several applications of Engineered Swift Equilibration

Taught by

Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI)

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